What is MPGN? New Ventures


Dr Giuseppe Remuzzi, Italy    12 January 2018

  1. Patients with C3G/IC-MPGN assigned to specific clusters facilitate clarification of disease etiology; improve risk assessment for ESRD, and pave the way for personalized treatment (Iatropoulos P, et al. JASN. 2017).
  2. Most importantly, their cluster analysis did better at predicting renal survival than the division into MPGN, DD and C3GN (Cook HT, et al.J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017).
  3. Rituximab, at a dose that completely depleted CD19+ B cells, reduced the C3NeF titer but had no effect on proteinuria, serum protein levels and renal function.
  4. Chronic administration of eculizumab-induced partial remission of nephrotic syndrome, ameliorated renal function and did not affect C3.

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